Capoeira Maloca Shanghai

Capoeira Maloca Belts System

Attendance criteria to get a new belt

The Troca de Cordão or ceremony for a new belt is not a systematic or mathematical calculation. Attitude, experience, and other human factors are taken into account.

In our school, to receive a new belt at our Batizado event, a student needs to have attended at least 75% of available classes, with an average of 3 classes per week throughout the year.

Light Green Belt

This is the introduction belt, it is given to any capoeirista as welcoming into the capoeira community in their first Batizado, in some cases it can also be given outside of a Batizado.

Green Belt 

The green belt is given to a student on the second batizado, or in some cases in the first batizado if the student has been training for some time and we can recognize already that he or she start to have an understanding of the basic movements, music and roda.

Basic Movements

Ginga, Rolê, Aú, Queda de rins, Bananeira, Ponte, Negativa, Troca

Cocorinha, Esquiva Lateral, Esquiva Baixa, Esquiva Diagonal, Esquiva pra Trás, Resistencia

Meia Lua de Frente, Meia Lua de Compasso, Queixada, Armada, Martelo, Bençao, Cabeçada


Sequencia de Mestre Bimba

Jogo & Roda

Understand what is the roda and its basic rules and etiquette

Able to play with someone in the roda without getting hurt and without hurting anyone, knows how to fall down properly


Sing the chorus, bate palma, pandeiro, start to learn one song

Yellow – Green Belt 

Intermediate student

The 3 belts at this level are transition belts between the green and the yellow, and are used to encourage the students and help them to progress towards the yellow belt. It is not necessary to pass through all the belts of that colors, and a belt is also not necessarily given every year.

Jogo & Roda

Understand the different types of games played in the roda


Able to play all capoeira toque on the pandeiro

Basic knowledge of Atabaque, Berimbau, Agogo and Reco-reco

Yellow Belt 

Upper intermediate student

Advanced Movements

Escorpião, Camaleão, Queda Batido, Fuga, Macaco, Macaco em Pé, Macaquinho, S-Dobrado, Aú Batido, Volta por Cima

Chapa de costa, Chapa no chão, Chapa Giratoria, Martelo no chão, Aú Xibata, Chapeu de Couro, Meia Lua Solta, Parafuso, Gancho

Jogo & Roda

Able to demonstrate good understanding of the game, and be a good example to follow for beginners

Able to be the lead singer in the roda while playing berimbau

Able to play all the instrument with a good technique

Able to lead part of the classes as an assistant teacher


Sequencia Rodada

Blue – Green Belt 

This is a transition belt towards the blue and yellow belt. At this level the student needs to reflect on what he or she needs to improve to get to the next level with the help of his/her teacher. In term of musicality, this is where the student should also be able to play different toques on the berimbau such as Iuna, Maneira, Miudinho among others. In term of jogo, the student should be able to play in any type of rodas no matter the “style” of Capoeira that is being played.

On top of being an example to other students, it is also important that student is also part of a bigger picture and his/her attitude needs to reflect that by supporting the group and the capoeira community in general, understand the different rituals that exists in Capoeira and other Afro-brazilian manifestations.

Blue – Yellow Belt

At this level, the capoeristas may baptize other students during Batizado, he or she should have a deeper understanding of the styles within Capoeira and must display more expression within his/her game. The student would be expected to visit Brasil at least once to gain an understanding of the cultural roots of Capoeira. He or she must demonstrate the ability to play any instruments and sing the Ladainha. The student is able to lead by example within his community and have a deep understanding of Capoeira rituals and is able to transmit this knowledge to others. His or her involvement in supporting the Capoeira art in the community but also outside of the Maloca group is also an important point to develop at this stage.


Sequencia Maneira

Blue Belt (Instrutor)

At this level, the student has become an Instructor (Instrutor in Portuguese) and may baptize other students at Batizado. He or She must conduct his/her own research about Capoeira to understand the meaning of being a true Capoeirista and be ready to give lessons.

The support to the community is growing even more than before, and he or she should also have a deep understanding that helping the students to grow is key for the development of Capoeira as an art and he or she have constantly in mind that the development of the group and the community is created through interaction with the students, with other groups and Mestres.